Personally I see almost no need for the existence of a tablet Apple or otherwise. The tablets occupied a technology space that is somewhere between a phone and a netbook, basically it would be for things that are a little too hard to do on a cell phone screen but not complex enough to require a netbook.
Most smart phones are capable of GPS, however the small screen on the phone makes it hard to both look at and drive at the same time, so having a larger screen like you could on a tablet could be useful here except there are already a number of cheaper products that exist for the purpose of being GPS devices to use while driving, so even that space is filled.
A tablet is too big to fit in your pocket so it’s not like it would be easy to transport, like a phone is, and if you are going to carry a bag around with you then you might as well put a netbook in that bag. I fail to see anywhere that the tablet would be useful that is not already populated by a better product. The only real use I can think of for a tablet would be to pretend you are in Star Trek; those dudes are always carrying around tablet type devices.
This is the last time I will discuss the Apple Tablet here (Ryan still can, but I just won’t read the post), and for that matter till I see a tablet I would love I will not write any more entries about them (again this only pertains to me, the tablet hater), and I would request the rest of the tech world stop giving press to the Apple tablet until such a time as it actually exists. Didn’t you learn anything as a kid? It’s not nice to spread rumors.
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