It's the JL421 Badonkadok Land Cruiser/ Tank! Do you a (I assume lightly) armored tank to cruise around the desert in? Do you need a tank to intimidate that guy at work into giving you your parking spot back? Do you... I've run out of clever things to say because I'm in shock that someone actually built this behemoth.
Somehow, I ran across this beast on Amazon when I was looking for Firefly comics and this popped up in the "Customers who viewed this item also viewed" category and took me by surprise. At first I thought it may be a joke, especially given the crazier and clearly photo shopped pics in the gallery. So I punched the name into Google and what do I find, references to this nutso craft as far back as 2005. Either the guy keeps making them or no one has bought the first one yet.

So what do you get for your $20,000? I'm glad you asked fine sir! It's got room for five inside the "armored" plated hull and five more on the roof. A 400 watt sound system with a PA function, all kinds of trim and under lighting as well as a movable control stick that allows you to drive inside via the included camera or with your head sticking through the roof.

I have no idea how practical this non-road legal mini Jabba the Hut sailbarge is. Not sure how much cargo it could haul, not sure how impact resistant the steel plating is, not sure how quick of a getaway you could make at 40 mph top speed. But I am sure that if you roll around town in this baby, you will get pulled over and then taunted for spending $20,000 on it.