Fillion has found the perfect role to play, a mystery writer with child-like joy who is "a bit of a douche" according to Fillion. Now, there was much hype when this photo leaked out from the set of Castle for the then upcoming Halloween episode.

If I have to explain who he is dressed as, get the hell off my blog. At last, the long awaited return of former Browncoat Malcom Reynolds, captain of the Firefly class vessel Serenity! that's right, it seems that Fillion and the writers of Castle have an awesome sense of humor dressing him up as his well known geek counterpart (or according to the show a "space cowboy"). What I find especially impressive is that I bet Castle's target demographic is very different than Firefly's so this is basically an in joke to the online geek world.
There's one problem, Castle's daughter is kind of a bitch. Watch the clip. Don't worry the actual bit you want is in the first few seconds.
Shut up little girl! We all want Mal back! Although I have to admit when you say "space cowboy" out loud it does sound kinda stupid. Makes it even more impressive that Joss Whedon was actually able to pitch the show to Fox.
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