Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who wants to be part of a 5-way?... On Skype

Get your mind our of the gutter!

According to this post over at Gizmodo Skype the VoIP chat client is going to enable 5 way video conferencing. I am sure that the business impact of this will be analyzed all over the place, but I wanted to bring up a slightly different point about this new feature, and that is pod-casting. I listen to a lot of podcasts, the iTunes on this computer I am writing this on have about 20 podcast subscriptions, and my other computer has about the same. One of the more annoying things that happen is when there are multiple people on the episode they talk over each other. With this 5 way Skype video chat up to 5 pod-casters could doing the podcast together and they would be able to see who is talking, pick up on body language and expression and know when someone is going to talk.
I would like to start creating a podcast so I am really excited for this to be rolled out, I might even consider paying for it if I used it enough.

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