Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Webcomics are a topic near and dear to my heart. The very first two webcomics I read were, like for a lot of people, PvP and Penny-arcade. These two comics are still around, their art has improved, their fan bases have grown and they basically defined the genre. One of the comics that I really love that I got into a little bit later was Achewood. Sadly it doesn't seem to possess that knack for staying power that these others have.

Achewood was always weird, I mean how do you describe to someone that you are laughing at a comic strip about some stuffed animals and a cat who wears a speedo and ray bans all the time? It was love or hate for a lot of people. It had a sort of avante garde, whimsical humor to it. It would create these ridiculous and often terrifying characters and places. It created a world where if you made a deal with the devil you could become a millionaire, first by your skills on the piano but later through your knack at making products that could only be sold in skymall. Where C.S. Lewis opened a door to the magical world of Narnia, Onstad opened a door to the secret menu at taco bell and an ebay only for the idiotically rich.

It was truly a magical time. But much like in the magical land of Narnia, all good things must end.

Where once was the childlike innocence of Phillip, there is only a dark cynicism of Roast Beef. Roast beef at first was originally depressing in a funny way, but it eventually gave way to being so depressing you start to worry about the guy making the comic. Wondering if each time he failed to update for a week or longer, he'd finally given up.

Yes there is still that knack for creating fantastical situations, for instance I am amused by the character Steve Denueve in the recent arc. I hold hope for Achewood returning to it's former glory in the same way I still secretly hope that Weezer will produce another decent album.

In that I really don't expect it to happen, but if it did it'd make me very, very happy.


  1. The recent "Phillipe goes home" storyline has been incredibly touching and heartwrenching, though.

  2. Yes, I meant to end it on a more a positive note. I really have been enjoying the latest arc.
