Now you may all know that a bunch of crazy mofos in Britain tried to get “Jedi” made into an actual religion a few years back. Opinion is split on whether or not it became official but the “founder” of the church, 23-year-old Daniel Jones, was booted out of a supermarket in Bangor, North Wales according to the UK Daily Mail.
It seems Jones, also know as Jedi Knight Morda Hehol (sigh), was tossed from the store for refusing to remove the Jedi robe hood from his head. Apparently the Tesco supermarket forbids wearing things on the head because it is run by fascists or Sith Lords or something and asked Morda to leave without getting his daily dose of Lucky Charms.
This is the actual Tesco extra in question.
Jones claims he was “emotionally humiliated” by the incident but something tells me that if he claims he is a Jedi Knight and walks around all day in a Jedi robe, this is not the first time that he has been humiliated in public. .
Despite the fact that this guy is a total freaking moron for getting this bent out of shape, I WAS ready to blast the supermarket for making him take off the hood in their store. It just goes to show you the little freedoms we take for granted in the States. A Jedi in a Wal-Mart wouldn’t have attracted a second glance in the US. Even if he were asked to take it off, the employee would have gotten a Constitutionally protected “Fuck You!” in response.
I say WAS ready to because I took back everything when I read the Tesco spokesperson’s comeback to Jones’ claims of religious discrimination. He said “[Jones] hasn't been banned. Jedis are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all appeared hoodless without ever going over to the Dark Side and we are only aware of the Emperor as one who never removed his hood. If Jedi walk around our stores with their hoods on, they'll miss lots of special offers.”
That’s the best defense ever!! They played right along with this nut job’s delusion and made a great point. Jones claimed that Jedi doctrine says you must cover your head while in public but HE WROTE THE FRIGGING DOCTURINE WHEN HE FOUNDED THE CHURCH! And he didn’t even pay close attention to the movies before he wrote it.
Daniel Jones, right, at a Jedi religious service in Holyhead, North Wales.
And dude, if you’re reading this (which you probably aren’t) relax. You can claim Jedi is a real religion all you want but that doesn't mean you get the same respect as a Muslim headscarf. I think that’s a ridiculous religious rule as well but at least it comes from a real religion. Until you can build and wield a lightsaber and use the Jedi mind trick, you get no sympathy from me.