Thursday, January 14, 2010

No Comments Please

Wow another post! This one should be pretty quick and is not really about news. What I want to write about it internet comments. They say the first step is to admit you have a problem; well I have a problem I read internet comments! I find myself 3 pages deep reading the inane ramblings of Apple and Microsoft fan boys flaming each other over some insignificant detail of a Cnet article, or I read the comments left on a YouTube video. As I read the comments my soul starts to tarnish with the overwhelming amount of hate and stupidity that is contained in comments section of almost any web page. For instance I was reading a web comic recently and the first post was to basically call the author gay or something dumb like that (I would go find the example but I think my brain might jump ou out my head and run, and I am lazy), all I can think of when I read it was “WHY!” why did you take the time to write that comment, if you don’t like the comic there is this handy X in the corner of your browser you can click and it will go away.
I have asked multiple people about this (because I am so scientific) and mostly people blame the anonymity of the internet for this behavior that would get you a smack if you did it in real life. I mean imagine a Troll in real life?

A dude that follows someone around and harasses them, you know what would happen? There would be restraining orders, and civil suits, but because there is no face to go with the comments these ass holes think that they can just say whatever they want, no I will take it further, they think they are entitled to say whatever they want.
I can go on and on about this, but I won’t. I made a new year’s resolution to stop reading internet comments. Today is Jan 14 and I have been doing a pretty good job, I occasionally need to remind myself that I am not supposed to be reading the comments. I would dig some kind of zapper that would zap me a little anytime I start to read the comments. I can tell you that just 14 days of comment free internet has made me a happier person. I can also tell you that I don’t buy into the anonymity of the internet, I think that you should be the same online as you are in person, and as the internet becomes more and more important as a means to stay connected to other members of the human race, it becomes even more important that people represent themselves if not accurately then at least not as total shit heads.

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